Oh sure, let's get students really heavy books to tote around 'for protection'. And you certainly shouldn't pull them in the little rolly carts, it would need to be in their backpacks so it could stop that bullet. Make the students be responsible for their safety. Good idea.
I have a blog I like to visit. For the Birds lives in Florida and works at the Kennedy Space Center. She posted a picture of what must be the smallest little frog/toad I've ever seen.
Today we ate out on our patio while the weather was great and we spotted the 'small' iguanna that lives by the canal. The huge one is spectacular but I haven't seen it very often since we had the trees level after Hurricane Wilma. It could be its lost too much protective shading or the neighboring kids had discovered it. It's still exciting to see wildlife even after all these years.
Bookfairs are insane times. Too bad libraries have to find different ways to get money to buy books, equipment, and supplies for the school. Bets and I always try to discourage the kids from blowing all of their money on trinkets. They need at least ONE book, then they can get the bendy pencils, the spikey top pens, and jumbo clicker erasers. They even had a little pack of 'monkey' tissues for an exorbitant price.
I was offered a sub for the days of the fair by my principal. In five days I've had 4 different people and today they took the only one who would have spent 2 consecutive days for another class. 'Smiley' wanted Bets to take my classes then and just have me man to bookfair. Oh, yeah Bets already has a lunch duty time with a unique child while I have classes. How was she going to be in 2 places at once? Eventually we got 'Smiley' to spit my classes up among the other specials. It would only mean an extra 4 students in their classes per period.
Shout out to Penguin this AM for remotely solving a black/white issue on the morning news. The cameras were sending color, but the computer powerpoints on D were black and white. Found out to be a connection not all the way pushed in. When it was securely in, COLOR!
Science Friday with Dr. Moody and Mrs. Willis was rushed because of the technical issues. That an she showed up too late to rehearse.
Reports came in that the mics are not loud enough and I don't have any time to play with the settings. Guess they'll have to read lips.
Hubby is OBSESSED with his cams. We had a cheapy security cam we picked up last year at Sam's club and later another one for the patio. This year, not good enough. We now have 4 cams; 2 of them super digital and the 2 older ones.Again.....not good enough. We had to get a digital recorder with a 4 split screen. Now his month long quest is to get it on the web 'when we want to check the house when we're away'. Good grief! We hardly ever go away and why we would want to view it while 300 miles away escapes me. He's in terrier mode. THAT's the real reason he hasn't blogged. Morning-noon-night he's obsessing with this.
I'm going to have so much leftover Halloween candy and it's the kind I like. I'm going to give a lot this year.(Except to the non-costumed teenagers with mustaches and cell phones)
TC the 'evil' cat who sits outside our patio screen and drives our cat to try to attack him/her through the screen struck again this AM...In the 5:00 AM dark. I've a glass of water ready on the patio to fling at TC to scare him/her away. TC thinks this is where her/she should hang out. On/under our cars, on the front wall, and lounging on the screen room stoops. He/she would love to be our cat, but Gypsy hates him/her. TC is well-fed by someone, but our house is the place to be.
Iris Blah-blah is done. You should read Martha blahblah about the dog who can speak because her family feeds her alphabet soup.
These 'fashion' pictures have been on the Yahoo page this last week and this is a creation for French fashion house Guy Laroche as part of their Spring/Summer 2007 ready-to-wear fashion collection.
Oh! My!
My real dismay is that this model is so skinny that you can count her ribs. The ASPCA rescues horses and dogs that have their ribs showing like this model does and arrest the owners as being cruel to animals. Besides that, the 'dress' is not much either.