Sunday, June 25, 2006

Trip Day 1-3

We left home headed for Penguin's apt to help him move into his new condo. He's a homeowner now and brother Steve came on Sat and with 2 vans and a Rav among us, we hauled a lot of heavy stuff. His entertainment center and the heaviest TV on earth went down 17 steps and up 18 steps at the new place. My knees had a workout.

Today we left for the northern realms. Checking the weather via cell phone internet we think Gypsy may be having a time of it. Blaine has never seen arrows like that on a weather map and she may be experiencing a tornado. She doesn't like loud noises either.

Gas prices were $2.87 in Coral Springs. In Kissimmee it was down to $2.72. What a difference 200 miles made. Take a look at the prices on this sign in Georgia. We were unable to get the lower priced gas. All of the pump handles had plastic bags taped on them. They probably sold out. We had to get the EXPENSIVE $2.61 gas. Still a bargain for us.

Traffic around Atlanta was fierce for late Sunday. It took an hour to get through. We stopped at Rome/Carterville. We had been here on a previous trip with NinJa and Penguin. This is the place with the ant hill on the slope where Penguin was bitten or known as the place NinJa and Blaine posed as the two drunken sots on the bench. Trees have grown so tall that the bench has been turned around or you'd just be looking at tree trunks. The anthill slope/cliff is covered in tall pine trees too.

Got to develop a trip butt to handle long days of sitting.

1 comment:

Big Penguin said...

Yeah trip blog :-)

I hated that ant hill!!!!