Feng Shui
My New Year goal is to Feng Shui my house. The thing is the 'How to Feng Shui your House' wasn't a Christmas gift to me, but to Penguin. I think it was for him to apply to my house. I got the 'How to sell stuff on EB and Make a ton of money'. These seem to have a common theme to me.
My first self-appointed task is to weed the Christmas stuff. I weeded last year, but now it's garbage bag time. I will not part with the 'vintage' ornaments, but I will rid the rest. I promise.
I'm not sure about the power E-Bay selling. I would think it would take time to follow the sales, the payments, and package and mail. Maybe after I'm 'Shui-ed'. I have a hard time throwing away perfectly good items that will just fill up the landfill. SOMEONE could use them.
Our house is also a storage facility. I have NinJa's things that he will want down the road down the way. I have items from my previous Media Center. My new library doesn't have the same layout & I'll have to weed there too. I haven't been at WP a whole year, so I don't really know what I'll end up using .
I will try to work on a small area at a time with garbage bag in hand and nibble at the job. Hopefully the next time anyone visits they will notice the transformation and how much better CHI we have.
How did your 'tossing' project come? Are you doing one room at a time?
Shit, you reminded me of something. I love my place tidy and unobstructed but my wife and kid are collectors of everything... How to start telling the little one that 890 truck models and xxx car models are enough. Not mentioning the plastic bag collection...
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