Thursday, May 04, 2006


I'm so angry I can't talk about it.
I'm running a book fair at our school now. It's chaos, but we do it to raise money to buy resources for the library.
Here is the crappy part. This or next week is teacher appreciation. My pricipal and AP want to 'honor' teachers by giving each person a $10 gift certificate to get books from the fair. They come off as Ladies Bountiful. I work the fair, they give it away. My name isn't even on the certificate. They contributed NOTHING!
AAaaaaggghhhhh! That's going to be $600 credited to my fair.
"It's for the school. It's for the children (said with the guilt giving lilt in the voice)
Aren't they just Wonderful Bosses. Gee....even I get a certificate. Big Whoop!


nbk said...


Big Penguin said...

Outraged!!! That's YOUR money!! If your Principal and AP want to buy the staff some books at your bookfair, they need to give you a purchase order!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Did they do the same thing in years past? Time to break the trend.