Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I went to Sam's club today to buy detergent and there were 2 boys with heelies. I don't like being in stores with children skating about. They look like skateboarders without the board. I never see them take a normal walking step but that they begin skating. All the time. What was their mother thinking? Seems like they should be banned from 'heeling' inside commercial buildings. They ban skateboards, bicycles, and probably regular skates as well.

I'll bet I sound older than the hills, but I get tired of trying to watch which direction they are coming and making sure I'm not in their path. Accidents could happen to my feet.


Big Penguin said...

I want a pair!!!

Carol Anne said...

Technically, heelies ARE skates, and so if skates are banned, so should heelies be.

Don't dismiss yourself as an old fogey just because you can't see the skaters coming. I remember a time not too long ago when I was seven months pregnant, and I came around the corner of a building and the next thing I knew I was flat on my back, looking up at a sign that said "no skating or skateboarding." I was definitely young and alert -- it's just the skaters are too fast.

What was ironic was that I knew the dad of the kid who crashed into me. I'm sure he faced proper disciplinary action at home.

underwear ninja said...

i want a pair too. but they don't come in my size and all their styles look too cartoony.

Anonymous said...

Let me make it unanimous --I would like a pair also. Using them in places that you shouldn't or couldn't wear traditional skates is exactly what makes them so fun. But the users ahve to be responsible - just like not riding in the grocery carts or runnng through the aisles.