Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Trip Day 12

Savannah! Sister of Charleston.
This is a view of the the former cotton warehouses that was
Savannah's commerce.

Savannah is different from Charleston in that Olgethorpe who founded the city platted the city out with a grid of squares or commons. These are tree lined oases of shade in a city whose temperature was up in the mid 90's yesterday.

We took the hop on/ hop off trolley tour with the driver giving history and corny jokes.

We got off at the River front and later rode the whole tour circuit again just to be able to sit.

This is a picture of the roadway down by the river front. The old ships used these rocks as ballast and would dump them out when they loaded up with cotton. Savannah made roads and walls with them. They are dangerous for me to try to walk across as they are terribly uneven .

Posted by Picasa One of our trolleys decorated for July 4th. The driver had a stars and stipe shirt too. We came back to our motel after 5 and thought it pure heaven just to shower the sweat off. After we ate, we watched the Savannah fireworks in bed on TV. Sweet!

I was promised a leisurely start today, but he set the alarm and wasn't around to turn it off. He is all ready to pack the car and I'm barely awake and so not dressed. Grrrrrrrr!

I will use NON-VIOLENT means to get going today. Grrrrrrr!


underwear ninja said...

hey there

Big Penguin said...

Iris Blue.... Queen of the Textured Photo