Saturday, February 03, 2007


We went grocery shopping today and as I am want to do, I walk ALL the aisles. This time we took our time looking at the different foods. It was in the International Section that we had the most fun.

What is Irish Moss drink. It seems to really have irish moss as an ingrediant.

You can get Guarana Antartica Soda in a very tall 2 liter bottle.
And how about those soup mixes for Fish Tea Soup and Cock Soup.

You can buy Callaloo. Couldn't figure out what it was. It was near the Old Harbor Style Bammy. I'll bet the old harbor style must be the best kind.

Mauby Conentrate Drink is some kind of fruit?

In a box-type of container was Maracuja concentrate or drink. The picture looked like fish eyes. Yum.

How about Ty-Phoo. Regular or Decaf.

And finally Nestles Klim!

We are such boring eaters.


Big Penguin said...

4 out of 5 people preferred Ty-Phoo over the house blends in our blind taste tests.

nbk said...

I can't believe people actually buy and consume these, but they must. These get lots of shelf space, and not only in the international foods section.

R the Great said...

Your grocery makes our "International section" laughable. Mexican and Jewish foods are in our section.