Sunday AM we popped out to see Mom again. She was dressed nicely and parked in the dining room for the church service being held by a man with a huge beard who quoted scripture about sparing the rod and spoiling the child. Kinda past their rod-wielding days. Spouted on with how the father needed to choose their children's friends and who they dated because it was the men who would be the leaders. ARGH!!
Next we went back out to visit Dad. He was dressed and in the formerly know as the game room. It was time to eat. He was looking at the newspaper and had a Popular Science Magazine.
He doesn't sit at the tables with the others, but has a single table tray they scoot over for him. He's a loner.
One of the men was singing 'Ain't going to rain no more' and the little lady next to him said even she knew that song. She wasn't THAT old. She was in her 80's. She was shamelessly flirting.
The meal came, ham, green beans w/ onions, mashed potatoes and gravy, coffee, milk, iced tea, and ice cream. The ham and beans were pureed. He tried one taste of the ham, drank his milk, then ate the ice cream. End of the meal. Everyone knows he has a sweet tooth.
This afternoon Steve and Thi-Thi came for a visit. We went out to see Dad again. He was in bed again and Very grumpy. He would not be sociable and yelled at Thi-Thi to go away. We left to go see Mom again. She was up in the front hallway watching. We talked at/to her and left to drive with S&T to go by the Riverside house and the Lake Clare home (It's a real dump. Just awful)
We're in a sever storm watch on a Sunday evening with not much to do but watch Tiger struggle with his bum knee. I know the feeling.
Any photos of the Riverside home?
Yeah Pictures!!! Good to get the recap of your visit
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