Monday, July 09, 2007

Foot Care Part 2

Trials and tribulations.
Allergic to betadine. Notice the blisters and redness.

Food poisoning. 24 hours of misery....with a foot/crutches that made the dash to the bathroom very hard.

Because I was so back flipped out. I still have to twist and snap it back into place. Bending is tricky. Back and knees.

I now have a list of about 10 different movements and stretches to do for physical therapy. I sure can't seem to move those toes, BUT I can wear real shoes now and not use crutches.

To quote Mom, "This getting old is not what it's cracked up to be!"
Yeah, it is what it's cracked up to be. :-(


G8rtchr said...

Ok, you win! That's just gross... and I'm very sorry abut Gypsy. She was a GREAT lizard hunter. :)

Big Penguin said...

I'm glad you're feeling better now. We miss you when you're not yourself.