Monday, July 09, 2007

Gypsy...R.I.P July 9, 2007

Gypsy's health continued to decline. This week-end she stopped eating and couldn't drink. I wasn't able to pry her teeth apart to get the little pill in. It's like they were frozen shut.

Sunday night I used the syringe and got water
between her teeth and it seemed to revive her a little. We decided to take her to the vet's this morning as she was so feeble and pathetic.

She died in the carrier on the way to vet's office this morning. The ride was too stressful for her. She was with us for 14 years and we will miss her active and inquisitive ways.


Anonymous said...

We are very sorry. I can't believe that she went so fast...that was better than prolonged misery.

Big Penguin said...

Poor baby! I'm glad I said goodbye to her in my dream (even if it is a little creepy)